Personal Dictionary- Word #6 "Reflect"
Writing Journal Entry- "Monday Morning Memory"
Activities:5th Grade- This week I want to focus on proper paragraph structure with the fifth graders. I want to begin this by introducing "Basic Paragraph Practice" This is a sheet that has 6 boxes: one for a topic sentence, 3 for body details, 1 for a conclusion sentence, and a large box to put all these sentences together in paragraph form. Today's topic will be "What do you do in the morning before school?" I will be going over this step-by-step. Each assignment we complete I will be focusing in on how to improve each part. For this assignment I will be focusing on topic and conclusion sentences.
6th Grade- The sixth graders will be bringing in their items for the "Favorite Things" list that we made from last week. They will then be answering a battery of questions that I have created about their items. Once a majority of students have finished I will allow them to present their items to the class explaining their answers.
Conventions Focus- Verbs
Personal Dictionary- Word #7 ""
Writing Journal Entry- ""
Activities:5th Grade- Today the fifth graders will finish up any work from yesterday. We will then have a short discussion on topic and conclusion sentences, and begin another "Basic Paragraph Practice" assignment. Today's topic is "What chores are you responsible for at home." There may not be enough time today, so anything not completed will be taken home for homework.
6th Grade- Today students will be using their answers that were given yesterday and making them into a paragraph. I will be walking around facilitating mini-writing conferences about their paragraphs.
Conventions Focus- Verbs
Personal Dictionary- Word #8 ""
Writing Journal Entry- ""
Activities:5th Grade- I want to discuss yesterday's classwork/homework assignment. I want to share a couple in front of the class and talk about the positive and negative points of each. Students will then complete another "Basic Paragraph Practice" assignment. Today's topic is "What are your favorite desserts?"
6th Grade- The sixth graders today will be finishing up paragraphs from yesterday. Some will be receiving paragraphs back today that have been edited by me. These students will be asked to rewrite for final copies while adding or changing things in their paragraphs.
Conventions Focus- Verb
Personal Dictionary- Word #9 ""
Writing Journal Entry- ""
Activities:5th Grade- Having 3 "Basic Paragraph Practice" assignments this week may prove to be a lot considering I want to discuss good topic and conclusion sentences, while sharing to talk about positives and negatives. I will use to day to review a lot of the discussion. Any extra time will be used for grammar enrichment activities.
6th Grade- Today is when final drafts for the "Favorite Item" paragraph is due. I am guessing that we will need today for extra work time. Any extra time will be used for a grammar enrichment assignment on verbs.
Conventions Focus- Verb
Personal Dictionary- Word #10 ""
Writing Journal Entry- ""
Activities:5th Grade- Today will be used for any extra time need for the week's work. The fifth graders will also be given an assessment.
6th Grade- Today will be assessment day.
Conventions Focus- Verbs
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