Friday, August 20, 2010

Lesson Plans for 8/16-8/20

Personal Dictionary- Word #1 "Graduate"
Writing Journal Entry- "Monday Morning Memory"

     5th Grade- The fifth graders will be finishing their "Getting to Know You" paragraphs from last week.  Because it's only the 2nd week of school, more time has to be given to complete the three tasks for today.
     6th Grade- The sixth graders will also be finishing up final drafts for their "Getting To Know You" paragrpahs.  They will then take notes on writing "Friendly Letters".
Conventions Focus- None

Personal Dictionary- Word #2 "Zone"
Writing Journal Entry- "List #1 (Family and Friends)"
     5th Grade- The fifth graders should have wrapped up the "Getting To Know You" assignment.  If not some students will be doing so today.  The only other task for today is to take notes about writing "Friendly Letters". 

     6th Grade- The sixth graders will be writing their friendly letters today.  They will pick someone to write to, align the 5 appropriate parts correctly, and include 7 sentences in the body.  I will be walking around the class as they write facilitating mini-writing conferences.
Conventions Focus- None
Personal Dictionary- Word #3 "Annotate"
Writing Journal Entry- "If I was the strongest person...."

     5th Grade- The 5th graders will be writing their friendly letters today.  They will pick someone to write to, align the 5 appropriate parts correctly, and include 7 sentences in the body.  I will be walking around the class as they write facilitating mini-writing conferences.
     6th Grade- The sixth graders will be receiving their letters back from me edited.  They will be rewriting for a final copy.  As they are looking over papers I will be talking with students about the markings I made and discussing what they mean.
Conventions Focus- None 

Personal Dictionary- Word #4 "Peril"
Writing Journal Entry- "Story- Ends with 'I've never been so glad to be home in my entire life'"
     5th Grade-  The fifth graders will be receiving their letters back today that I have edited.    They will be rewriting for a final copy. As they are looking over papers I will be talking with students about the markings I made and discussing what they mean.
      6th Grade- The students that were unable to finish their Friendly Letter final drafts will complete them today.  The main task for today is to take notes on writing "Business Letters".  If we have time today we will be constructing another list of favorite things.  I am hoping to complete this task in a full class period tomorrow though.
Conventions Focus- None 
Personal Dictionary- Word #5 "Goal"
Writing Journal Entry- "Reflect upon your week in each class. One postive and one negative"
     5th Grade-  Today's class will consist of me going over "Middle School Rules and Procedures" again.  There have been many issues maybe due to the transition to the middle school, so I want to take a day and reinforece these things.  Room 201 has also not taken the "Area 3- On-Demand" writing assessment, so this will be completed today as well.
     6th Grade-  Today I want to compile 2 lists: favorite things (objects, toys, clothes, games, etc..) and favoite restaurants, foods, candy, drinks, etc..  I want to let students work in teams of 2 or 3.  After 10 minutes of brainstorming or so, I want to have students pick 1 thing, their most favorite, and their homework is to bring it into class on Monday.
Conventions Focus-None

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