Personal Dictionary- Word #19 "Survive"
Writing Journal Entry- "Monday Morning Memory"
Activities:5th Grade- Students will be working on a prewrite for this weeks "Paragraph Practice". This weeks topic will be "Chores at Home". Once complete students will be writing rough drafts. As students write their first drafts I will be facilitating mini-writing conferences. Students will also be completing a verbs practice.
6th Grade- Students will be working with their "Tortoise vs. Hare" Part 2 stories from last week. Today they will be getting predesignated partners. Each students will be given a checklist/interview sheet to peer edit. The checklist will be to review punctuation and capitalization errors. The interview will be questions to answer about the other person's story- things such as characters, plot, moral of the story. Students will also be completing a verbs practice.
Conventions Focus- Verbs
Personal Dictionary- Word #20 "Shellfish"
Writing Journal Entry- ""
Activities:5th Grade- Today's teaching point of mini-lesson will be transitions and transition words for detail/body sentences. I will be having students edit/revise their rough drafts from yesterday making improvements and adding transistions. I will be conducting mini-writing conferences helping and making suggestions regarding todays teaching point. Students completed will be working on a verbs practice.
6th Grade- Students will continute the work from yesterday on the "Tortoise vs. Hare: Part 2" story. They will take the ckecklists/interviews from yesterdays assignment and use them to edit and revise their rough drafts. By the end of class I would expect more than 50% of the class to hand in a second completed draft.
Conventions Focus- Verbs
Personal Dictionary- Word #21 "Lunge"
Writing Journal Entry- ""
Activities:5th Grade- Any wrok not finihsed with the previous "Paragraph Practice" sheets will be completed. We will then begin a new "Paragraph Practice". We will only complete the prewriting stage of this exercise today. Students completed will be working on a verbs practice.
6th Grade- Students will continue working on their second drafts of the "Tortoise vs. Hare: Part 2" stories. Any student that hasn't completely finished a second draft will do so today. Other students will be conferencing with me in efforts to complete a final draft ready to publish/type. Students completed will be working on a verbs practice.
Conventions Focus- Verbs
Personal Dictionary- Word #22 "Lair"
Writing Journal Entry- "Freewrite"
Activities:5th Grade- I will begin today's lesson with a mini-lesson in which we will be discussing detail sentences and sharing some aloud. We will have a whole class discussion about shared sentences and how to improve them for correctness and creativity. Students will then begin writing a rough draft based upon the new "Perfect Paragraph" assignment page. Students completed will be working on a verbs practice.
6th Grade- I would like to try and get students on a computer to do 2 things today. The first is to log into First Class and learn about the "File Storage" section. The second is to give a mini-lesson on how to use Microsoft Word to type final drafts of assignments. I may have to restructure this entire week of work depending on availability of the lab or laptops. Students completed will be working on a verbs practice.
Conventions Focus- Verbs
Personal Dictionary- Word #23 "Rowdy"
Personal Dictionary- Word #23 "Rowdy"
Writing Journal Entry- "Writing Game (Story Dictation)"
Activities:5th Grade- The bulk of today's class will be committed to our writing game, however with the rest of our class time we will be doing a "Personal Dictionary/Grammar Test". Students completed will be working on a verbs practice.
6th Grade- The bulk of today's class will be committed to our writing game, however with the rest of our class time we will be doing a "Personal Dictionary/Grammar Test". Students completed will be working on a verbs practice.
Conventions Focus- Verbs
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