Monday, September 13, 2010

Lesson Plans for 9/13-9/17

Personal Dictionary- Word #19 "Survive"
Writing Journal Entry- "Monday Morning Memory"
     5th Grade-  Students will be working on a prewrite for this weeks "Paragraph Practice".  This weeks topic will be "Chores at Home".  Once complete students will be writing rough drafts.  As students write their first drafts I will be facilitating mini-writing conferences.  Students will also be completing a verbs practice.
     6th Grade-  Students will be working with their "Tortoise vs. Hare" Part 2 stories from last week.  Today they will be getting predesignated partners.  Each students will be given a checklist/interview sheet to peer edit.  The checklist will be to review punctuation and capitalization errors.  The interview will be questions to answer about the other person's story- things such as characters, plot, moral of the story.  Students will also be completing a verbs practice.

Conventions Focus- Verbs

Personal Dictionary- Word #20 "Shellfish"
Writing Journal Entry- ""
     5th Grade-  Today's teaching point of mini-lesson will be transitions and transition words for detail/body sentences.  I will be having students edit/revise their rough drafts from yesterday making improvements and adding transistions.  I will be conducting mini-writing conferences helping and making suggestions regarding todays teaching point.  Students completed will be working on a verbs practice.
     6th Grade-  Students will continute the work from yesterday on the "Tortoise vs. Hare: Part 2" story.  They will take the ckecklists/interviews from yesterdays assignment and use them to edit and revise their rough drafts.  By the end of class I would expect more than 50% of the class to hand in a second completed draft.

Conventions Focus- Verbs

Personal Dictionary- Word #21 "Lunge"
Writing Journal Entry- ""
     5th Grade-   Any wrok not finihsed with the previous "Paragraph Practice" sheets will be completed.  We will then begin a new "Paragraph Practice".  We will only complete the prewriting stage of this exercise today.  Students completed will be working on a verbs practice.
     6th Grade-  Students will continue working on their second drafts of the "Tortoise vs. Hare: Part 2" stories.  Any student that hasn't completely finished a second draft will do so today.  Other students will be conferencing with me in efforts to complete a final draft ready to publish/type.  Students completed will be working on a verbs practice.

Conventions Focus- Verbs

Personal Dictionary- Word #22 "Lair"
Writing Journal Entry- "Freewrite"
     5th Grade-  I will begin today's lesson with a mini-lesson in which we will be discussing detail sentences and sharing some aloud.  We will have a whole class discussion about shared sentences and how to improve them for correctness and creativity.  Students will then begin writing a rough draft based upon the new "Perfect Paragraph" assignment page.  Students completed will be working on a verbs practice.
     6th Grade-  I would like to try and get students on a computer to do 2 things today.  The first is to log into First Class and learn about the "File Storage" section.  The second is to give a mini-lesson on how to use Microsoft Word to type final drafts of assignments.  I may have to restructure this entire week of work depending on availability of the lab or laptops.  Students completed will be working on a verbs practice.

Conventions Focus- Verbs

Personal Dictionary- Word #23 "Rowdy"
Writing Journal Entry- "Writing Game (Story Dictation)"
     5th Grade- The bulk of today's class will be committed to our writing game, however with the rest of our class time we will be doing a "Personal Dictionary/Grammar Test".  Students completed will be working on a verbs practice.
     6th Grade-  The bulk of today's class will be committed to our writing game, however with the rest of our class time we will be doing a "Personal Dictionary/Grammar Test".  Students completed will be working on a verbs practice.
Conventions Focus- Verbs

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lesson Plans for 9/6-9/10

Personal Dictionary- Word #15 "Construct"
Writing Journal Entry- "Tuesday Morning Memory"
     5th Grade- Students will get their weekly assessments back from last Friday and make corrections to the questions they got wrong.  Once turned in students will then begin a prewrite for this week's "Paragraph Practice" assignment.  After the prewrite has been completed students will work on a verbs practice sheet.
     6th Grade-  Students will get their weekly assessments back from last Friday and make corrections to the questions they got wrong. Students will also work on a verbs practice sheet.  To finish class I want the 6th graders to copy their "Tortoise vs Hare" journal assignments from last week onto paper they can turn into me.  As they are copying I want them to edit and add as they deem appropriate.  I want to have these stories ready to work on for the future.
Conventions Focus- Verbs

Personal Dictionary- Word #16 "Corridor"
Writing Journal Entry- "Story"
     5th Grade- I will first conduct a review mini lesson on topic and conclusion sentences.  Once done with this mini-lesson I want students to write a rough draft on their "Paragraph Practice" sheets.  I will be walking around facilitating mini-writing conferences to talk improvement points with students.  After a rough draft is complete students will be working on a verb practice sheet.
     6th Grade-  Today will be a bit off as there is an assembly during one of the 6th grade classes which means more than 50% of that class will not be in attendance.  With the other half of that class and the other 6th grade room I want to introduce "First Class" to them.  I will be giving First Class usernames and passwords then modeling a brief lesson on how to correctly log in and send an email.  Students will be asked to to the same thing.  I want them to send me emails before they leave.
Conventions Focus- Verb

Personal Dictionary- Word #17 "Subscribe"
Writing Journal Entry- "Story Dictation"
     5th Grade-  Today we will be doing a writing game called "Story Dictation". This game consists of students writing a narrative.  I will every 1, 2, or 3 minutes be loudly giving out words.  These words, or details, will be required to be added into the next sentence in their story.  There will be 7 words ranging from nouns, verbs, adjectives, and phrases.  These words will be "a puppy, McDonalds, breakfast, 'Off the Chain', Ms. Ellis, booger, and Justin Bieber".  Once finished a verbs practice will be completed.
     6th Grade-  Today we will be doing a writing game called "Story Dictation". This game consists of students writing a narrative. I will every 1, 2, or 3 minutes be loudly giving out words. These words, or details, will be required to be added into the next sentence in their story. There will be 7 words ranging from nouns, verbs, adjectives, and phrases. These words will be "a puppy, McDonalds, breakfast, 'Off the Chain', Ms. Ellis, booger, and Justin Bieber".  Once finished a verbs practice will be completed.
Conventions Focus- Verb

Personal Dictionary- Word #18 "Incident"
Writing Journal Entry- "Freewrite"
     5th Grade- An "Area 3- 5 Week Writing Assessment" will be given.  Once completed students will be required to finish all work from the week that is already not completed.  A summation verbs assignment will also be given from the week's verbs practice.
     6th Grade-  An "Area 3- 5 Week Writing Assessment" will be given. Once completed students will be required to finish all work from the week that is already not completed. A summation verbs assignment will also be given from the week's verbs practice.
Conventions Focus- Verbs

Lesson Plans for 8/30-9/3

Personal Dictionary- Word #11 "Reputation"
Writing Journal Entry- "Monday Morning Memory"
     5th Grade-  Students will be receiving their "Personal Dictionary/Grammar Test #1" back.  They will then look them over and make corrections to only the questions they got wrong and turn them in for a "Redo" grade.  Upon completion we will begin a prewrite for this weeks "Paragraph Practice" assignment (What are your favorite desserts?).
     6th Grade-  Students will be receiving their "Personal Dictionary/Grammar Test #1" back. They will then look them over and make corrections to only the questions they got wrong and turn them in for a "Redo" grade. Upon completion we will be discussing how to(strategies) pick out verbs from a sentence.  We also also discuss the fact that there can be more than 1 verb in a sentence.
Conventions Focus- Verbs

Personal Dictionary- Word #12 "Expand"
Writing Journal Entry- "Disappointment"
     5th Grade-  Today we will continue out "Paragraph Practice" assignement.  We will begin with a mini-lesson about building good topic and conclusion sentences.  We will then take our ideas we brainstromed yesterday and build our detail sentences (3).  With enough time after we will discuss verbs and complete an assignment.
     6th Grade-  Today we are going to focus on narrative writing.  We are going to concentrate on our journal assingment for much of the period.  I want to begin introducing the concept of detailed writing about one event rather than "outline" stories.  After we dissect some of these stories we will then discuss verbs again (our homework and a new assignment).
Conventions Focus- Verbs

Personal Dictionary- Word #13 "Procedure"
Writing Journal Entry- "Tortoise Vs. Hare"
     5th Grade-   This lesson will begin with a discussion about fables.  We will then watch "The Tortoise and The Hare" from Disney.  This is an 8 minute video.  Afterwards students will complete a writing activity about the characters and the moral of the story.  Upon completion we will continue our "Daily Paragraph" assigment.  I will be facilitating writing conferences as the time goes by.
     6th Grade-  This lesson will begin with a discussion about fables. We will then watch "The Tortoise and The Hare" from Disney. This is an 8 minute video. Afterwards students will complete a writing activity in which they create a "Part 2" to the story.  Upon completion we will be going over a grammar (verbs) activity.
Conventions Focus- Verb

Personal Dictionary- Word #14 "Assignment"
Writing Journal Entry- "Freewrite"
     5th Grade-  Students will take a Personal Dictionary/Grammar assessment.
     6th Grade-  Students will take a Personal Dictionary/Grammar assessment.
Conventions Focus- Verb

Personal Dictionary-
Writing Journal Entry- ""
5th Grade-
6th Grade- 
Conventions Focus-