Monday, November 2, 2009

Lesson Plans for the Week of 11/2-11/6

IDEA BOOK “JOURNAL”- Tell me a story about your weekend.

5th grade activities: Students will begin writing a narrative about a best friend. Today they will brainstorm a list of qualities a best friend should have. They will then be given a visual aide to fill out describing one of their best friends. * They need to remember that they are describing one event and not many.

6th Grade activities: Classes will finish taking notes on writing essay paragraphs. Once finished students will practice writing topic and conclusion sentences.

Grammar focus: Subjects and Predicates

IDEA BOOK “JOURNAL”- What do baggy pants really say?

5th grade activities: Writing will continue on the best friend narrative. The beginning should include character introductions and setting; the middle should include some sort of action or conflict; and the end should include a resolution to that action or conflict. Once finished partner editing shall take place.

6th Grade activities: Students will continue to practice writing topic and conclusion sentences.

Grammar focus: Subjects and Predicates

IDEA BOOK “JOURNAL”- Everyone has a favorite outfit. Write a paragraph describing your favorite thing to wear, from your head to your toes!
PERSONAL DICTIONARY- Word #41 “Adventurous”

5th grade activities: Continued editing of the best friend narrative. After partners have edited each other’s papers, students need to rewrite and prepare for a teacher conference (edit).
6th Grade activities: Students will now go back to the topic and conclusion sentences previously written and begin to supply details for each (3).

Grammar focus: Subjects and Predicates

IDEA BOOK “JOURNAL”- Make a list of all the adults in the building. Don’t forget teachers, assistants, office workers, and janitors!

5th grade activities: Students can rewrite a final copy after conference with the teacher. If enough time is left students will be taking a weekly personal dictionary/grammar assessment.

6th Grade activities: Student will now go back to the topic and conclusion sentences previously written and begin to supply details for each (3). Students will take notes on what transitions and transition words are, and go back to the paragraphs they’ve been building and add them in. Once finished, final drafts will be completed. If enough time is left students will be taking a weekly personal dictionary/grammar assessment.

Grammar focus: Subjects and Predicates

Friday: No School!

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