Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Standards and Benchmarks Covered for Week of October 12th-16th


Goal 1- Read with understanding and fluency.
1A- Apply word analysis and vocabulary skills to comprehend selections
- Apply knowledge of word origins and derivations to comprehend words used in specific content areas (e.g., scientific, political, literary, mathematical). (Benchmark 1.A.3a)
- Analyze the meaning of words and phrases in their context. (Benchmark 1.A.3b)

Goal 3:Write to communicate for a variety of purposes.
3A- Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization and structure.
- Write compositions that contain complete sentences and effective paragraphs using English conventions.(Benchmark 3.A.3a)

3B- Students who meet this standard can compose well-organized and coherent writing for specific purposes and audiences.
- Produce documents that convey a clear understanding and interpretation of ideas and information and display focus, organization, elaboration and coherence. (Benchmark 3.B.3a)
- Edit and revise for word choice, organization, consistent point of view and transitions among paragraphs using contemporary technology and formats suitable for submission and/or publication. (Benchmark 3.B.3b)

3C- Communicate ideas in writing to accomplish a variety of purposes.
- Compose narrative, informative, and persuasive writings (e.g., in addition to previous writings, literature reviews, instructions, news articles, correspondence) for a specified audience. (Benchmark 3.C.3a)

Goal 4:Listen and speak effectively in a variety of situations.
4A- Listen effectively in formal and informal situations.
- Restate and carry out multistep oral instructions. (Benchmark 4.A.3c)
- Demonstrate the ability to identify and manage barriers to listening (e.g., noise, speaker credibility, environmental distractions). (Benchmark 4.A.3d)

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